This Sky Horse with wings with Dakini Victory Producing Amulet is a great Feng Shui enhancer for the #1 Victory Star.The Sky Horse represents speed.endurance,strength,courage and power,and most of all victory.It brings the Phoenix's regenerative and renewal powers,while removing complications and obstacles,allowing one to reach even greater heights.Carry the Sky Horse Amulet to capture the essence of the #1 Victory Star and enhance its good influences.This star brings excellent career luck,as well as great success,victory and winning luck.This is said to help you triumph over competitions,obstructions,obstacles and enemies.It is also believed to assist you champion your best ideas,rise above your competitors and gain notice from your superiors.An excellent Feng Shui gift for those incompetitive professions such as insports,consultancy,commissionbased sales,stock and commodities trading.